Painting by Numbers: the anti-stress art!


Painting by numbers  as a magical treatment for stress?

In our daily lives, most of us experience stress, some more than others. Stress at work, health problems, problems in our relationships... how can we escape from this?

Specialists offer two methods to better cope with everyday worries: meditation and hyperfocus: both fit perfectly with the creative activity of painting by numbers.

This is why relaxing through art and numbered paintings in general has become very popular in recent years.


Painting by numbers helps you find balance in your life.

Relaxation and meditation are so important for your well-being


A quick reminder: Meditation frees and calms the mind by clearing your thinking process for a short period of time. Do you realize that you haven't had time to let your thoughts flow freely?

Since the dawn of smartphones, our focus has deteriorated. We are constantly on our digital devices and are less able to step back from this connected world. This has a great impact on our emotions and the ability to make the right decisions to make ourselves happy.


How does our brain work? Keep reading


Moreover, we often hear about productivity, saving time by multitasking, but the human brain is not made for this. This causes an emotional overload that takes away your freedom of thought. Time for action and to regain control!

Goodbye concentration problems! Hello hyperfocus


The second technique to combat bad stress and improve your concentration is hyperfocus.

This allows you to concentrate 100% on completing a task (for a certain amount of time), without distractions (phone, TV, etc.). This is perfectly in line with painting by numbers. Total concentration, working according to a certain method and a beautiful result.


You can practice hyperfocus while painting by numbers


Maybe you know that you have concentration problems? It may seem difficult because your brain is not used to hyperfocus, but step by step, with a little patience, changes are really possible…

And what is more fun than practicing painting by numbers? A fun method where you can control the process from A to Z while painting each numbered piece. Live this experience, focus on the painting, every brush stroke, every color and finally the great result. Feel the emotions that these movements bring you. Every small step towards your final goal.


Paint by numbers: fun and relaxing. Create your own masterpiece!

The Art of Relaxing with Vickie‘art : you won't believe your eyes!


Painting by numbers allows you to take time for yourself. It is a form of art and a creative hobby that reduces anxiety and brings inner peace (with associated positive emotions). Art provides a better sense of well-being.

The painting by numbers method does not require any knowledge or technical experience. You do not need to know how to paint, it is accessible to everyone. For all tastes and many varied paintings available. It makes you develop two essential qualities: patience and concentration. In life, nothing happens in a second. You have to appreciate the process, not just the end result. Experience the pleasure and see how your canvas takes shape.

What's more fun than painting your own photo? Check out our personalized paint by number packages!

At Vickie‘art we offer numerous options, most of them beautiful paintings, to relax you. Some creative hobbies are expensive, but in this case it is accessible to everyone (because of the very reasonable price).

Painting by numbers is not just for adults, there is no age limit to discovering art. Some start very young, children often start painting by numbers before they are ten. Painting by numbers is also a great gift for art lovers. It is a great feeling to work on a painting that is almost the same quality as the artist it was originally made by. And yes, believe in yourself, you can do this. Go slow, step by step and work at your own pace. It is not a competition, it is a journey to fulfillment.

Don't hesitate and try this creative hobby with an all-in-one package including canvas, brushes and good quality acrylic paint.